Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Castraphobe at the silly Rat umbrella lending establishment

Live from Castraphobe at the silly Rat umbrella lending establishment (And other pointless media), or C.A.T.S.R.U.L.E., here's your current show host, Ratzo!

Ratzo- Hey, hey, hey! It's Ratzo here, live from C.A.T.S.R.U.L.E. stud.....hey, who was the Einstin who made this name anyway? The inicials spell CATS RULE!!!!!!!

Cat- Well, they do.

Ratzo- Shut up! Well, here's my show, where you can here me talk about good ol' me. Isn't this exciting?

Cameracrew- *whisper* At least he knows sarcasim....

Ratzo- It's true! I'm a very interesting rat, do you hear me? I'm INTERESTING!

Cameracrew- Sheesh.

Ratzo- Yeah. Hmm, lets see. Aha! I'll tell you all about how I came to live with my current family of geeks-

Ratzo's mom (A.K.A. editor)- Ratzo, you have to remeber that time Snickers saved your life!

Ratzo- Hehehe, sorry, Mom! I'll tell you all about that another time. Now, where were we.....ah ye-

Snickers- MEEP!!!!

Ratzo- Snickers? What the heck are you doing here? This is my show!

Snickers- Meep meep meep meep meep meep, meep, meep. MEEP!

Ratzo- Uh-huh? Oh, you idiot, your act isn't until Tuseday! TUSEDAY!

Snickers- Meep. *Walks off stage*

Ratzo- Well, now that's over with, let's start that memory. Ah, yes.....


I was reading a clip from the classifids one day, and noticed an ad that rather amused me:

Loveable, stupid, over-afraid, over-protective, too-smart-for-his-own-good, smelly, dirty, germ-freak, or mean rodent. Reward: $20. Please call 1800-RODENT-HOME today is interested.

Hmm. I was too smart for my own good, and was rich enough to be a germ freak. So I packed my bags, quit my job at Microsoft-

Mom- You said you were fired!

Ratzo- I'll explain in another episode. Oh, yeah, then I called the number and said I'll be over there tommorow, and to pick me up at the train station.

"How will I notice you; you're a rodent!" The ad-poster said.

I told her that she would see me. And boy, did she see me, all right.......

(To be continued)